first settled people knowen in Ireland were mesolithic people or stone
age people who arrived here in small boats from Europe. They were gatherers, fishermen and hunters, and settled around the mouths of rivers. they were members of an intelligent and organised society. They built temples of stone, that were accurate calendars of the solstices and the equinoxes. Newgrange on the river Boyne was their foremost ritual centre. Most of the Boyne valley was turned into a ritual landscape. This land stretched to the Hill of Tara to the south and the Hill of Tailte to the west. But at a great bend of the river Boyne to the east, "an easy journey by boat to the Irish sea" They built three mounds, these were carefully designed and erected over beautifully decorated stone chambers and passages, (Newgrange). These are the oldest engineered buildings on the planet, predating the pyramids. They were surrounded by alot of smaller tumuli. Here the first Irish people worshipped the sun as the principle of life.
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"Photo taken and Copyrighted Joe Conlon"