797, the first Norsemen arived in Ireland. They annouced their presence
by burning and sacking monasterys and villages. Terror came to Ireland
aboard dragon headed longships. For the next 300 years they would be a constant presence on the island as they fought against the Celtic Irish. The Vikings came from lands with cold long winters. Hard lands that bred hard strong men who took to the sea out of necessity, the Norsemen were soon followed by the Danes and the two people fought not only the Celtic Irish but also each other. Scandinavia provided the bare necessities of life, but the Northlands had few luxuries, Ireland on the other hand had. It abundant natural resources, such as timber, fish, cattle, gold and children that brought high prices in the slave markets. Combin all of these with itīs lush and temerate climate, made Ireland seem a paradise to the people from the North. But the Vikings were not only plunderers but also traders as well, with a vast commercial network, stretching as far as the Baltic and Russia. The Vikings qouckly learned the value of Irish craftsmanship abroad and it commanded high prices throughout the known world. So much wealth combined with a moderate climat and excellent harbours. The Vikings built cities such as Dublin, Waterford, Wexford and Limerick to serve as ports for trading. They brought in urban commerce to what had been a totally pastoral way of life as the years went by the Vikings sent for their women from home, and some married Irish women and raised famillies on the green island. The Scandinavian people had come to stay...
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